Effect of radiation damping on nonlinear response of high arch dams 地基辐射阻尼对高拱坝非线性地震反应的影响
Effect of radiation damping on seismic response of structures 地基辐射阻尼对结构地震响应的影响
Study of the acoustic radiation damping of fluid-loaded plate in the acoustic radiation modes condition 轻/重流体介质中振动板声辐射模态下的声辐射阻尼研究
Hydraulic Vibration Analysis of Bulb Tubular Pump-houses Considering Foundation Radiation Damping 考虑地基辐射阻尼的灯泡贯流泵房水力振动分析
Electromagnetic mass and radiation damping 电磁质量和辐射阻尼
A viscoelastic artificial boundary was constructed to simulate radiation damping in a semi-infinite medium and the elasticity recovery capacity of the medium at the far field. 应用黏-弹性人工边界于双江口土石坝的动力响应分析中,考察了黏-弹性人工边界及地基辐射阻尼效应对土石坝动力响应的影响程度。
Radiation damping effect and excitation random effect are included in arc transport. 单圈的传输映射中引入了辐射阻尼效应和随机效应。
The radiation damping matrix of the infinite element is derived. 推导了辐射无限元的辐射阻尼矩阵。
The classical orbital motion of a relativistic charged particle in electromagnetic fields is influenced by the radiation damping force as well as the Lorentz force, and the particle may be in equilibrium of forces in certain conditions. 电磁场中相对论带电粒子的经典轨道运动受到洛伦兹力和辐射阻尼力的影响,在一定条件下会达到受力平衡状态。
The methods for treatment of earthquake input and modeling of radiation damping in infinite foundation were established based on cylindrical wave equation. 其中,地震波的输入方法以及无限地基辐射阻尼的模拟方法都是在柱面波动方程的基础上建立起来的。
The presented model can be used to simulate both the elastic recovery capacity and radiation damping of the elastic semi-infinite space. In the numerical calculation, the infinite element mesh is performed only on the artificial boundary and the general solution is not needed. 该模型能较好地模拟弹性半空间的弹性恢复力和辐射阻尼,数值计算时只需对边界进行无限元的单元划分,无需基本解。
In this paper the effect of gravitational radiation damping on the variation of the orbital elements of binary system is studied using the method of perturbation. 本文利用摄动方法研究引力辐射阻尼对双星轨道要素产生的影响。
The radiation damping of liquid storage tanks resting on elastic base under horizontal ground excitation is studied. 本文研究储液罐在地面水平振动时的辐射阻尼。
Theoretical analysis and computer simulations of radiation damping and relaxation processes in NMR were performed. 对核磁共振弛豫过程和辐射阻尼效应进行了理论分析和计算机模拟,以直观明了的方式描述了这些物理过程,并对模拟结果进行了讨论。
Effects of foundation radiation damping and reservoir level on arch dam nonlinear seismic response 地基辐射阻尼和库水对拱坝非线性地震响应的影响
Inversion recovery measurements: the radiation damping effects 在反转恢复测试中磁化矢量的演化特征:辐射阻尼效应
Random vibration analysis of arch dam in consideration of radiation damping 考虑辐射阻尼的拱坝随机振动分析
In the simulation model, the visco-elastic boundary was employed to absorb outward-spreading scattering waves; therefore, the influence of infinite foundation radiation damping was taken into account. 在这一仿真模型中,黏弹性边界被用来吸收外传的散射波,因此,计入了无限地基辐射阻尼的影响。
Based on the Lorentz-Dirac equation, an equilibrium condition of forces in relativistic covariant form for a charged particle ( it may be a free electron in conductor) in electromagnetic fields is presented with the radiation damping taken into account. 基于洛伦兹-狄拉克方程,本文介绍了计及辐射阻尼力后电磁场中带电单粒子(包括导体中的自由电子)受力平衡条件的一种可能的相对论协变形式。
Superradiance in nuclear magnetic resonance: radiation damping 核磁共振中的超辐射现象&辐射阻尼
As the important parameter of dynamical response in elastic half space, radiation damping is a foundation of power machine and an important problem for reducing vibration and noise in ship and studying underwater acoustic radiation. 作为弹性半空间上基础动力响应的重要参数,辐射阻尼是动力机械基础、舰船减振降噪和水下声辐射的关键课题之一。
In the seismic analysis of high concrete dams in hydraulic engineering, the traditional model of fixed boundary with massless foundation were often adapted, and the radiation damping of foundation and the inhomogeneity input of wave-motion could not be took into account. 对于水利工程中的高混凝土坝,抗震分析多采用传统的无质量地基固定边界模型,没有考虑到地基的辐射阻尼作用以及波动的不均匀输入。
Infinite air medium is simplified as finite domain through finite element method, and the coupling finite element model of membrane and air domain is derived. The added air mass and radiation damping of the air surrounding the membrane structures are simulated. 采用有限元方法对无限域的空气进行简化,建立了空气与薄膜结构的耦合有限元模型,模拟了空气对薄膜结构的附加质量和声致阻尼影响。
Other two key factors for the seismic analysis of arch dams are the dam-water-interaction and the effects of radiation damping of infinite foundation. 对高拱坝的抗震安全性评价具有重要意义的另外两个影响因素是坝体和库水的动力相互作用以及无限地基的辐射阻尼效应。
A method combining sponge layer with Sommerfeld boundary for modeling the radiation damping of infinite reservoir is proposed. 将海绵层与Sommerfeld人工边界结合起来模拟无穷水库的辐射阻尼效应,并结合有限元法在时域内分析坝&库水动力相互作用。
Law of Conservation of Energy-momentum in General Relativity and Weak Gravitational Radiation Damping 广义相对论中的能量动量守恒定律和引力辐射阻尼
Research on Acoustic Radiation Damping by Structural Vibration 结构振动声辐射阻尼研究
Under each water level, the foundation radiation damping brings overall reduction of the dam body's earthquake responses, while having no noticeable effect on the response patterns. 对所有水位,地基辐射阻尼都带来坝体地震响应的全面降低,但不影响反应的总体规律。
Then, the effects of relative density, initial modulus ratio between pile and soil, superstructure mass and radiation damping, on seismic pile-soil interaction are analyzed by adopting the proposed modified model. 采用该法进行了砂土相对密度、桩-土初始模量比、上部桥梁结构配重、土的辐射阻尼等参数对可液化场地桩-土地震相互作用影响的分析。
Because the radiation damping is included in the total damping obtained by model test, the difference between the total damping and the radiation damping calculated by numerical model can be used as the viscosity damping to be added in the motion response equation. 试验得到的总阻尼包含了方箱运动所产生的辐射阻尼,将总阻尼与辐射阻尼的差值作为数值计算中求解运动响应方程时需要考虑的粘性阻尼。